Tuesday, May 18, 2010

my new life!

Isabella is now five months old and I haven't been on here once since she was born! I guess that makes me the worlds worst blogger, but I've spent every spare minute loving all over my beautiful daughter! I guess I should go back to the beginning...

labor and delivery
We arrived at Community North at 6:00 on Dec 10 to be induced. It was crazy all day knowing that I was going to have my baby the next day! I was very uncomfortable all day. It was the first time I was starting to feel contractions so I think labor would have come on its own soon anyways. My last meal was mexican- Real Hacienda! So good, but not a good choice before labor :o/ When I walked into my hospital room I was immediately nervous when I saw everything to start my IV. That night in a nutshell... almost passed out from getting my IV, contractions started after the medication I was given but thankfully never needed Pitocin, finally took something for the pain and was able to sleep briefly before getting my heavenly epidural, and then SLEEP! Dave and I were able to sleep all night while I labored painlessly! Some things were a blur though. I was a little delirious either from being tired or from the epidural or both. When i woke up around 6 am my nurse said I was 10 cm and 100% effaced but we were going to wait to push until 7 when the Dr. got there. In the mean time I managed to puke across the room...on Dave. Lovely. He did well though. After about 20 min of completely numb pushing our angel was here! More beautiful than I could ever have dreamed! I cried, but tried to control it otherwise I would have been sobbing uncontrollably. It was the moment I had waited for my whole life! Those first moments when your life is completely changed are amazing. All of a sudden you feel love like you never knew existed. I loved my little girl more than anything I have ever loved before, I loved my husband more than I have ever loved him, I loved myself for what I had just accomplished, and I loved God more for blessing me with beyond what any one person deserves! The next couple of days were spent recovering and getting used to being a parent and then we brought Isabella home, finally! :o)

weeks 1-8
The first two months I spent all my time at home with Isabella! It was wonderful! Dave had two weeks off around Christmas time which was perfect! We were all able to be home together! Her first Christmas was spent with both sides of the family. We were also able to go to Michigan for five days. Those 8 weeks flew by and I loved every minute with her. Every day she was growing more and more and getting cuter by the day! Finally it was time to go back to work on Feb. 4. I was so sad. I would cry just thinking about it in the weeks before. I cried all the way to the daycare and tried to pull it together but cried when I had to put her in a swing and walk away. I cried on the way to work and some when I got there. That was the hardest day ever! I couldn't wait to get back to her. I went to visit her on my lunch break too. My second day back I didn't cry. It's never easy to leave her, it's just easier to control my emotions. She had her 2 month physical and she weighed over 10 pounds! I couldn't believe it! She started off 6 1/2 pounds, dropped to 5 lbs 12 oz and now she was 10 pounds!! It was heartbreaking to see her cry after her first shots, but she did really well after.

3 months
She's getting bigger every day and her personality is coming out more! She smiles all the time. She also wants to roll over so bad! It has also started to warm up outside so we've been able to go on walks. She is such a great sleeper! She had started sleeping through the night consistently right around the time I went back to work, thankfully! And now she has even started sleeping 12 hours! She has a specific bed time too, 8:00. It never fails, 8:00 come around and she's done! We had her first pictures taken at JC Penney this month. She was so good! The photographer was really good with her too! She smiled the whole time and we have amazing pictures! She is so beautiful! I couldn't choose which ones I wanted so I just got the cd with all the pictures. April 4 was her first Easter. It was a beautiful day and she looked so pretty! That was also the day I found out I was pregnant last year. What a wonderful year it has been!

4 months
Every month just goes by faster and faster now. April really seemed to fly by! She makes so many funny noises and loves to talk, laugh, and blow bubbles! She has also been sooo slobbery for the past month! We go through lots and lots of bibs! At her 4 month physical she had gained another 4 pounds since her last visit! She's just over 14 pounds! Crazy! She did a little better after her shots this time. She cried until I picked her up and then she was ok! But she did take a good nap when we got home! This month we have also started rice cereal! Her first time was so funny! She made the funniest faces! She was definitely unsure of it and spit most of it out. What a messy process! Over the next few weeks she really started to get the hang of it and does so much better. She stopped spitting so much out and started to get better at putting her mouth around the spoon. It's a constant struggle against her thumb during meal times though. She wants to take a bite then suck her thumb! Cereal gets everywhere, but we have such a good time! She also started rolling over. She first rolled from her back to her stomach but didn't always like being on her stomach. A few weeks later she figure out how to go from belly to back.

5 months
she turned 5 months one week ago and for some reason 5 months seems so much older than 4 months. She is so much fun! She laughs all the time, and has recently started babbling non stop! It's the cutest thing I've ever heard! She is so interested in what we have to say, especially when her daddy talks. She stops what she's doing and stares so intently at him. She has also started to notice Addie more and also reach out and try to pet her. She chews on everything now. Rolls back and forth all over the place, and even yells and screams. She lets you know when she needs something! We just took a trip to Tennessee for my sisters wedding shower and she was so good the whole weekend! I was so relieved since it was a 6 hour drive. She was only fussy in the car right before her naps. Otherwise she was a perfect angel! :o) Every day when i pick her up from day care she gives me the biggest smiles and tries to give me kisses! I love it so much! And all the women there love her! They go on and on about how she is the best baby they've had and how sad they'll be when she's gone over the summer. Dave will be done with work soon and will watch her over the summer. I'm definitely jealous! She develops more a personality day by day. She brings so much joy to lives and is such a blessing! Our next big step is vegetables. I'm hoping to make her baby food myself. We'll see how that goes.

Hopefully my next post won't be 5 months away. So much is about to happen over these next few months. It's going to be a very exciting summer and I can't wait to watch Isabella grown and learn new things every day and hopefully share more details!

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